3 Best Nutrition Practices for Regaining Wellness

Are you tired of fad diets that promise to transform your life? Practicing good nutrition regularly is the best way to control your chronic illness. 

I’ve lost track of all the diets or “eat this, not that” advice I’ve heard since my diagnosis years ago. The advice comes from so many different sources and all directions. It can be hard to know what to do. Some of the food advice I received made my chronic conditions flare up, and others seemed okay.

What Aspects of Nutrition Impact Chronic Illness?

  1. Salt: Besides heavily processed foods, high sodium levels are often found in diet foods, restaurant meals, and pre-packaged or prepared foods. Try different spices and herbs instead of using salt to flavour your foods. Not only will you reduce your sodium intake, but you can increase your micronutrient intake. The DASH diet is a great way to manage your sodium intake. Learn more about the DASH diet.
  2. Sugar: This little bit of sweetness isn’t so kind to our bodies, especially when it’s in the form of added sugars, such as fructose syrups. Studies have shown that artificial sweeteners are not as healthy as once thought, as they may change gut microbiota. If you can, try to minimize refined and artificial sugars. If you can avoid them altogether, that’s even better. If you want a sweet treat, fruit can hit the spot while providing healthy nutrients and water intake. 
  3. Fats: Try to reduce the amount of Omega-6, saturated, and trans fats. Plant-based diets are based on vegetables and whole grains. You can get your fats and proteins from seeds, nuts, oils, and legumes. 

It can be hard to know where to begin. I recommend making small, easy-to-manage changes to your diet. When I changed mine, I started by swapping out unhealthy, high-sugar items with fruits and nuts. I had fruit-infused water instead of reaching for a jolt of caffeine in the afternoon to get through work.

How can I get connected?

I became an autoimmune holistic nutritionist so I could learn as much as possible and transform my diet to transform my life. If you need help managing your nutrition or more, let’s connect and get you back to living life beyond chronic illness. Supportegy Wellness provides chronic illness support through various proven ways, including chronic illness support groups.

Learn more about group wellness coaching.

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